Full Moon in Scorpio Simple Ritual

Here is a simple ritual that you can do at home to harness the transformative energy of the Super Full Moon in Scorpio. This is a powerful full moon that is the final of three super moons we have had this year, occurring in March, April, and now May.

The items you will need for this ritual are simple:

a candle

incense (preferably sage for its cleansing properties)

crystals (such as clear quartz, which can be used for almost any purpose) this is optional

A piece of paper

A pen

A fireproof container of any kind (bowl, dish, can)

One of the first things I do to prepare for the full moon ritual is tidy up my space a bit. If you don’t already have a designated space, find a place in your home that you are comfortable in and has little distractions. Try to remove any clutter that could distract you from focusing. I like to sweep with intention in a counter clockwise pattern to clear out any stagnant energy. You can add anything to your space that gives you peace or joy such as a vase with cut flowers, candles, photos of loved ones or ancestors, or a figurine or statue. I happen to have an elephant that brings me joy.

Next, I prepare myself. This can be anything from a nice herbal bath with essential oils, candles, and soft music to your favorite meditation or a nice cup of herbal tea. The idea is to get yourself mentally in a relaxed state where you are calm and can clearly visualize your goals for the ritual.

Go to your space and get comfy. I like to begin with lighting my ritual candle. You can use a scent or color that corresponds with the goal of your ritual. For this month, I chose black. This to me symbolizes death and white for rebirth. You can put on some nice relaxing music or even white noise to block out any unwanted distractions.

I like to sage my area to bless the space and clear out negative energy. If you pray, this is a good time to ask for guidance from your guardian angels, or ancestors, or chosen deities to guide you in receiving messages from the divine.

You can hold a chosen crystal or just sit quietly to absorb the peaceful, nurturing energy around you. This is a good time to visualize a white light surrounding yourself and your space. Really connect with your spirit guide, ancestor, or deity. Think to yourself about what you would like to release from your life that is no longer serving your higher purpose. What areas of your life are not uplifting to you. What is blocking your progress in your chosen path? What do you need to release in order to receive these new blessings you desire in your life?

Once you have identified those things to yourself. Grab your pen and paper and start to jot down a few. These can include messages such as: “I release my need to control others and find peace in myself”, ” I release my fear of the future and accept the divine has a plan for me”, “I release my negative self talk and love and accept myself how I am” These are just a few ideas. Take your time and let the ideas come to you.

Once you have completed your list of things to release to the universe, say them out loud if you can to really form intention in your words and what is on the paper. You can cut or tear the paper to read each one individually if you like.

Burn your list or each one while thanking them for being a part of your growth, but now they must be released back to the universe. You are welcome to sit as long as you like with your thoughts. Saying goodbye can be difficult, but know that you are making the way for opportunities and abundance to come your way.

You can bury the ashes or scatter them back into nature depending on your personal circumstances.

I like to thank my chosen ancestors, sprit guides, deities out loud for being with me and blessing me with their presence. If you cannot let your candle burn out on its own, feel free to extinguish it when you are done.

That’s it! You did it! So, on the night of the last Super Moon of the year, I pray you find beauty in the endings you have chosen and open yourself up to the wonderful blessings that are coming your way!

As always, be generous, be kind. And above all be true to yourself.

Blessed be,


Published by lilmissbumblebee

I am a Libra momma who loves astrology, tarot reading, learning anything and everything and loving on my family. I live in Northern Indiana, am a bartender by trade but working on getting my new business Everyday is Magick launched soon!

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